Okay, well ......actually....the beer can was already empty when I got this idea.
I have wanted to try some metal embossing for a while now, but just had not gotten around to picking up any supplies.......you didn't think that would stop me did you?
So I began with a clean beer can, cut it apart (carefully because those edges can be quite sharp)

With the printed side of the can face up and those sharp edges taped down on to the cork trivet, I drew a design, pressing firmly with the pen, then, flipped it over and drew echo lines around those first lines, which really gives the design it's depth, the cork trivet has enough cushion to allow for a fairly good imprint. (it would be best to use a pen that no longer has ink but a little spritz of hairspray and the ink dissolves so it can be wiped right off)

I simply stitched these to some fabric covered Timtex and created postcards

Then I decided to do a slightly larger one......as you can see, I used a can of Moosehead for this one, repeated the process of embossing, but this time I stitched it onto a piece of Timtex that I had first painted black..........reminds me of those decorative tin ceilings.

These are nothing short of amazing, Jill. I have two questions:
1) What size needle and thread did you use for the stitching?
2) Did you at least drink the beer before using the cans???? (I know I would have . . .)
Amazing...........you certainly don't let anything hold you back....
Wow! These really are unique! Same questions as Diane.....and how do you cut the can? Aren't the edges still sharp after it has been sewn down on the card?
I'll try to answer some of the questions here
I cut the can using some scissors I use for paper and cardboard
The needle???? well... it was a universal 80/12 which is what I use most. I simply keep it aside for use on things like this or paper/cardstock.
I set my machine stitch length to 3 and the thread? just a regular weight sewing thread but you could certainly use a nice thick decorative thread as well, this was a test run
Yes the edges are a little sharp but only if you were to run your finger along it. I did apply these embossed pieces onto a fairly soft/fluffy felt to help mitigate the sharp edges (they kinda "sink" into it)
You could stitch something like a fabric frame over the edges if you were concerned I suppose
Like I said....it was sort of a test run :-)
What a cool process. I just may have to give this a try. Thanks again for sharing your incredible ideas!!!
Jill, Jill, Jill!!!!!!
OMG....love them.....you are seriously the ARTIST!!!
these are so beautiful! thanks for explaining that you really can sew through a metal can. I'm amazed a standard sewing machine needle can handle it.
Please tell me...is there anything you can't do??
Those look amazing!
I have got to get together with you one of these days!
Jill, these are awesome! I'm definitely going to give this a try. love it!
Absolutely fasinating Jill! You really do some incredible work! I always look forward to your artistic journey's
Oh - really, really, nice.
I love the idea of this, a lot - thanks for sharing
Good fun!
If you want a different colour of metal try empty tomato puree tubes. They have a goldish finish to counteract the effect of tomato juice.
Wonderful!! Best recycling project I've seen!! Amazing what we can find to use when we don't have a material on hand! Nice job!
You are so clever and always stretch the limits of imagination. This technique is so cool and would really add a great element to the ever popular "mug rugs" being created. Your ideas are the best and thank you so much for sharing them...
What an excellent technique and your designs are so well executed!
Wonderful postcards again, Jill! I know, because I received one in the mail this week from the guild postcard exchange! Thanks!!! Gail
This is REALLY cool! Very fun idea with fabulous results! I need to drink more beer!
Wow, this is such an original technique. Your project is great and I'm glad you told us what kind of needle you used. I'd worry the needle would break off.
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