Diane at
DEsigned art quilts by Diane Evans has bestowed this award on me.
The rule

s are as follows:
Thank the person who gave you this award
Share 7 things about yourself
Pass the award along to 5
bloggers who you have recently discovered and you think are fantastic
Contact the
bloggers you have chosen and let them know about the award
So I will begin by sending my thanks to Diane for believing that I am a Beautiful Blogger.
share 7 things? .............well..............lets see
1) I have 2 grown sons
2) I think Black and White
are colours
3) I have 4 pet rats

4) My bicycle is built for 2

5) My favourite season is summer
6) I have a twin brother.......his name is Jack........oh.. and......we don't do ruffles anymore!

7) I think home perm kits should be banned

Now, as for passing this on to 5 beautiful
bloggers?.......well that is a little tougher.
I am aware that there are a few of you who would rather not be "tagged" but I do think everyone who visits deserves the award, so if you'd like to play along then grab the award.
It is yours! Have some fun with it
Just to let me know so that I can be sure to come by and learn 7 things about you.