I wanted to see if I could reasonably re-create a photo using only fabric and thread. Using the same photo as in my last post I began by assembling a few fabrics, cut the basic shapes and used just a small amount of fusible web to hold them in place. I carefully traced the details as best I could and then just had a blast with the thread.
I chose to use a person for my subject, well me..........because I felt that if I could re-create a photo of a person with half decent results that perhaps images of inanimate objects might be a little easier. I guess I'll see if this holds true when I try this technique next.

Here is the result.......Okay, not very realistic..........I imagine this is how I'd look if I were a character in a graphic novel. (in real life there are a lot more lines) But hey, are there rules to this?
I love the way the hair turned out but the facial features are in need of a bit of help. In order to get the proper shading and definition I really should have used several flesh toned fabrics in the face and neck area, but overall I think it's not too bad considering the size is only 8"x 10"
I am sure this could be further enhanced with the use of pigma pens and or coloured pencil, but the experiment was to use fabric and thread only. I am eager to play a little more with this technique.
I think it turned out fabulous!
We had a gal lecture at our
Guild last week and she showed
us some small quilts (similar to yours)of her grandchild. Did them
in Photoshop and then lightly colored
them in with Prang crayons! The result was a softer look and more
Wow I think that it looks great! Very realistic.
Wow! this looks great. I love how you used only fabric and thread.
It's amazing! You are very talented!
That is fantastic. Your hair is amazing in it.
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