That Jaye at ArtQuiltmaker is getting tricky, she surprised us with an extra prompt this week. So I will surprise her by posting one quickly. Last week's prompt#34 (on Friday as usual) was Summer. My response had to be the sun............I absolutely love to be out on a bright HOT sunny day. I'll bet you can guess I don't much like our Canadians winters, but I do adore our Canadian summers! That ring of flying geese was inspired by
I normally only post doodles for these prompt words but I recently purchased a very cute print with which I made a few postcards for our guild's postcard exchange...........this print is totally summer.....don't you just love the tattoo?

The surprise word prompt
Have you checked out the Creative Prompt Project yet? It is a wonderful way to get your creative juices flowing.......you don't have to go all the way back to the beginning, just jump on in and join the fun.
Click on Clara the Cow on my side bar to learn more.
fun fabric. I've used another one of those fruity women prints in some cards, as well as surprise insides of tea cozies. one woman in my guild liked the fabric so much she bought 8 yards!
I've just looked through all your flicker photos - what an incredible depth of skill and ideas you have. I am inspired truly!
Your work amazes me.
I fell in love with the fruity woman fabric long ago....I'm the pear!
Beautiful doodles! Rat, you are amazing!
I was thinking of doing a sun for summer too. Great minds think alike!!
I love how you quilted the fabric postcards. That print cracks me up ...haven't bought any but laugh every time I see it. A postcard of it would be so cool to keep on one's bulletin board or refrigerator.
Very cool! I love flying geese...I never get tired of seeing them!
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