Well I am excited anyway.............you see, in May of 2011, The Canadian Quilters Association will bring Quilt Ontario here to London. When a call went out for a logo design, I decided to give it a whirl. It was announced last week that my design had been chosen. The call for entry requested a simple ink sketch to be submitted. Once the design had been chosen it was then sent to CQA who will now work their magic transforming this into something terrific (well I hope so, because it does need a little tweaking for sure) I am not sure how well you will be able to see this so I have also put up the design with the background darkened so the details show a bit better
For those of you

You can read more about it here and see the proposed colour combination that the London Organizing Committee chose. I can hardly wait to see the finished artwork.

......and of course there is yet another doodle. This week's word is Flame. Since Canada is hosting the Winter Olympics beginning very soon my response to the word flame was this torch. The Olympic torch will actually be here in town in 10 short days.
Congrats Jill on having your design chosen for the logo - the forest city idea is very appropriate.
WOW...how GREAT to have your logo chosen and I love that logo.....super idea to have the quilting designs in the tree. YAY for you!!! We're all proud of you for this!
I am so pleased that your logo was chosen. Good for you for sending an idea in!
I love the hat tip to the Olympics with your prompt response. Thanks for participating. It is wonderful!
Congrats! what a wonderful win for you!
Oh my gosh, how exciting ! Your logo looks great, I can see why it was chosen.
Congratulations !
Congratulations! Your logo is really pretty!
Many congratulations! That is a fabulous design!
Doing a happy dance for you :o)
Beautiful design! Brava! Love the flame too.
Congratulations on your design being chosen! It is beautiful, and since I love trees and intricate root systems, it certainly speaks to me! (also the torch!)
Hope that they do justice to your work---it is lovely as is and would quilt up nicely!
Will catch up with you next week...have a good one!
It is no surprise to me that you would have been chosen! Your work is amazing! I keep telling you that you are a fabulous artist!! Congrats Jill!!
Congratulations on the Logo. How exciting for you!
Gorgeous logo, congrats Jill. How very exciting.
How perfect, no wonder they chose your design. Congrats!
Congratulations Jill! Great job.
Congratulations on your logo design. My sister is runnung with the torch in Windsor/LaSalle the day before it gets to London which I think is Dec 23. She's very excited to be chosen.
Congratulations! What a thrill that is for you and all of US to share with you. :) (and yer flame ain't bad neither!) lol
Your news is exciting for all of us, too! Congratulations!!! And the logo is absolutely fantastic! Love the torch, too. Your ideas just keep bubbling forth, and they're so inspirational. You go, girl!
That is an amazing logo! you are being a superstar these days! How wonderful to be recognized for all your creative talents.
I love the logo and look forward to having a pin for my yet to be finished chatelaine...
You are amazing - well done and pat on back. Just wish it were London England!
Congratulations! It is beautiful - so much incorporated into a little space.
You are wonderfully talented - Congratulations!
Congratulations! Great news! And a fantastic design!
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