This past January our guild decided to have a "row robin". I have never participated in such an endeavour before but here is what we did. We broke into several groups of 5, we were each to create a row to pass about the group. You could also include instructions, likes and dislikes, scraps, and so on. I simply said that I really would like a "scrappy" look, do not care much for blues, and provided some "background" fabric so no matter what, the finished piece would be cohesive.
Each month, each of us would then add a row to one group member's quilt and pass it on to the next. At the end we got our own row back along with 4 others that we could then turn into a quilt.
Above, are the rows I received. I arranged and rearranged but could not quite make it work.
There were a few problems.........the most challenging being that none of the rows were the same length and some seam allowance issues.
What was my solution?..........What was my offense? Well, in an attempt to get a more pleasing balance, I took two of the rows and CUT them right down the middle. Gasp!!!! Yup I actually did that. Took another quilter's work and sliced it in half. I also added a number of strategically placed diamonds...........shhhhhhhh!
Here is the "flimsy" ready to back and plan is to finish it with a colourful scrappy binding.....I sure hope my row robin teammates will still be speaking to me when they see it.

I have been thru Quilters hell working on church quilts, blocks made by numerous people and arriving in an assortment of sizes....oy!
It always requires an innovative approach to get these things whipped into shape! LOVE YOURS! ;)
You dd a wonerful job. I'm sure they will love to see how creative you are. I wish I was in your group.
Amazing solution! A little quirky with a hint of it. Remember there are no quilt police, so I sure your round robin team will forgive you.
If you are going to hell you will probably have a lot of company. We'll all sew together and Satan will wonder why he let all these happy and productive people in. I like the solution.
Love your fix!!! I had to do the same kind of thing after taking a class with a national person. We were only told what to get... fabric-wise.... but when I was done I had to slice mine up and vowed never to take a project class again. Only technique for me.
Beth-Pretoria, South Africa
As I was advised when I deconstructed a quilt challenge I received back, "It's yours!"
I think you solution really makes the blocks hold together well--the whole is more than the parts.
I think your solution is heaven-sent, so relax.
Your row robin looks great. On the contrary, I think you will definitely make it to quilter's HEAVEN!
Hey there--I think your solution was just BRILLIANT! Instead of a frumpy quilt you would never be happy with, you have a unique and wonderful quilt! So smart!! Good for you! What an imagination!
I think they will AGREE with you that you made the quilt top POP! It is yours to do with as you please right?
Certainly you won't go to hell - your design is heavenly! I love it!
LOVE what you did with that. When we had a row robin in our little group, I said I did NOT want them to connect the blocks they were making for my rows. I just wanted them to each give me a baggie of blocks made the way they wanted to make them. I knew there would be differences in the sewing, and I'd have to add sashing or whatever to compensate for that. worked out fine. I'm still waiting to get my last baggie back, but then it should work out well for me when I assemble it. It's a bit more work for me as I'm only getting blocks back and NOT rows, but that's I know I can make the rows even myself and they'd not have been otherwise!!!
Your quilt, your rules. Besides, it looks great! AND anyone that participates in such things should expect the size issues as different folks measure things in different ways. If anyone is PO'd, I'd just smile and nod...unless I feel b****y. Then I might say something catty. But you are always sweet. So no worries there either! :D
WOW !!! You are one brave woman ! But since it is yours, you can do what you want . I love the way it turned out !
I love your solution! And if you're going to hell, I'll see you there!
Well, you'll have lots of company in Quilter's Hell..but you'll all have work with you that you like! Love what you did with it. Very innovative!
I guess I'll be joining alot of quilters in hell! I've had the same issues with swaps or round robins or group quilts. One time I had to put together a raffle quilt for our guild. There were 25 Tennesse Waltz blocks that were supposed to be 12' each. Do you know that NONE of them were the same size! I swore I'd never do that again!
You did an excellent job in rehabilitating your rows.
Oh yes you will be in doubt about it but I have to tell you this is the cleverest fix to a really interesting problem.
I am sure no other quilt in the round robin will look like yours!
Can't wait to hear the reactions you get :0) from the group.
Happy sewing
I have a friend who chopped up all the odd sized blocks she got in a similar exchange, then added strips to make them all larger & fit together, so it had an updated crazy quilt appearance, that I thought was just brilliant. Just as brilliant as what you've done here. Unfortunately her friends weren't really her friends & won't speak to her any more! Hopefully your friends are more open minded & can applaud your brilliance!
Your solution is brilliant! BTW, there is no quilter's hell, only hell for those who live with a quilter.
ha I really like this - the peaking nine patches are great. What is the original reason for making a quilt? Make do and mend that's what. Isn't that what you've done - perfect
Looks great to me!
Definitely! Do not pass go, do not collect $200 (whatever Canadian equivalent they use in Canadian monopoly!).
I like the fix and as Sherri said "your quilt your rules". You have to like it and you did a brilliant job reimagining the result of the pieces you were given.
I love what you did with it. If it was my strip I wouldn't object.
How creative, looks great- (and I'll see you there!)
FABULOUS! as I was reading it I thought, "Cut them to bits!" hehe! and you did! and look how fabulous this is! love it! i have an old top I am going to do this too... ;-)
This is what's called, "thinking outside the block," isn't it???? As usual, you put that creative mind of yours to work and came up with a devilishly clever solution. Heaven knows, anyone can see that this is a fabulous way to put these together. You rock!
(If anyone in your group gives you a hard time, we'll just start our OWN group.)
Right on! I would never have thought of that.
What a creative solution. I think it looks great!
I love what you did! I'm sure your round robin buddies "know" you and expect that you will do something creative...and would be disappointed with anything less!
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