I thought that while I will continue to pick away at the list of ones I've missed, I would at least try to stay up to date with the words for 2011. Jaye posted the first one of the new year on Friday........here is my response. Can you guess what the word is?

I guessed it! How funny -- but that's what I think of too! Nice doodle.
He's perfect!!!! There's a pink flamingo in our front yard here..wouldn't that be great if I did some 'doodles' on it! hmmmmm maybe I'll try to find one and let my friend think I doodled on his flamingo!
I would have never guessed! Perfect!!
Well I already knew but as soon as I saw your doodle I thought......its for the prompt! Love it......
Nice job
I guessed incorrectly, but now that I know, it's a perfect doodle! I've never seen a flamingo that WASN'T pink, come to think of it.
He's just fabulous, Jill.
Your "pink" flamingo is fabulous. Happy tangling...
Very nice Jill. :)
I LOVE flamingos. They have been my favourite bird since I was a little girl. A friend of my parents sent a postcard from Florida with the birds on it and I have loved them ever since.
Hey, glad you are in the pink again!
Brilliant! That was a fun game...trying to guess the word. I came up with a list of ideas and was shocked that I wasn't anywhere close to the right word! Great job!
I thought the word was a different one!!!??? I didn't do a flamingo. Hmmmm, perhaps I could do a flamingo dancer so I am not copying you!
Love your doodles!
BEST ~ ONE ~ YET!! Love Flamingos and this just makes me happy!!! Let me know if you ever decide to sell this one!
Great response! I didn't even think of that! I love your Zentangled responses. Thanks for participating!
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