I have been wanting to teach myself to paint on fabric for some time, its not that I don't have time or supplies, I just never seem to know WHAT to paint, so I never get started. I decided to pick up a couple of instructional books that have lots of lessons/subject matter for student use and just dive in. ( now keep in mind that I can not paint on paper or canvas......so I don't know why I think I can paint on fabric.......I just know I really want to give it a go)
The books that I purchased, are authored by painters using canvas and oils..........I will need to adapt, as I am using fabric, along with a variety of textile paints and inks.
I began by picking a fairly simple shaped subject and using freezer paper created a "resist" so that I could paint my background.

Once the paint had dried and the resist removed, I was able to lightly draw in some of the detail lines.

I slowly began building the base colours

added detail

then added a some dimension with a little bit of thread painting.

They say that we learn by our mistakes..............well I learned a great deal as I worked on this small piece, I plan to add borders and quilt it.
Eventually, I would like to be able to work from my own photos.
Mistakes? I don't see any :-). It is awesome!
Absolutely amazing.
No other words needed! :-)
I'm very impressed. I have all the supplies, for years now, and haven't tried it. Thanks for showing me how.
First time? Ur a pro already! Nice work!
Wow, I'm in awe!
Great post!It looks beautiful.
You truly have a talent!
Love esther
Well you're a quick study...this is amazing! There's no way you've never painted before. You aren't going to convice me.
Really nice job on the flower. Have you seen Violette's book on journalling? It gives some nice tips for drawing and painting. Made me feel very confident.
WOW This is so awesome what a beautiful job you did.
I'm impressed...I just have no desire to draw..can't/won't/don't want to..why,when I can trace so good! HA..love seeing what you are doing and I give you credit for attempting!! Very nice work as usual.
You say you didn't know how to paint. But you do have the eye of an artist, and your piece is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.
I dont know why you say you catt paint - it looks really wonderful to me!! I dont htink you have a problem at all! Beautiful.
That came out beautifully! Congratulations!!
You are amazing and this flower is beautiful. How wonderful to actually just try something and do it. Happy painting...
So, I ask, WHERE ARE THE MISTAKES?????? I don't see any!!!! I truly believe that you can master anything you set out to do. this is nothing short of extraordinary.
For someone who says she can't paint - this is amazing!!
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