The one thing that will be around for a long time are the pins that were made, attendees purchase these pins, many collect them at conferences year after year.
How unfortunate that someone at the company producing the pins decided to "change" the artwork. Now I am fully aware that when reproducing artwork on a pin that is roughly 3/4" across, it may not have the same level of detail.......BUT.......I certainly did not expect to see this.
Here is the way the artwork has appeared on everything.....except the pin

here is the pin.

Apparently this employee felt that he(or she) were "improving" the design.
How unfortunate.
Edit: It was and is not my intention to make an issue of this. I just found it curious that the artwork was reproduced unchanged on a great many items..........what circumstances led to the pin being different, I don't know. The company responsible did acknowledge the error and has made an effort to compensate for it. I guess the lesson is that it is always a good idea to be sure you can get approval when having work like this done to avoid surprises.
What a bummer that they just couldn't leave the wonderful design as is. I'm sorry this has happened to YOUR design.
Unbelievable....and someone had to APPROVE that change~~at least the companies I have dealt with require a staffer from the event to approve a change in design....
So sorry; your art is beautiful.
Oh I agree that this isn't anywhere near as good as your original design - who gave authorisation for the changes I wonder (or was it done on a whim) - a big mistake
Super big mistake....your design had impact the redo is so devoid of character. So sorry they did this to your design.
I agree that the design is not "better" but I'd guess that it wasn't a design decision as much as a technical decision. In your design everything is outlined in black. If you start with that asn the raised areas and then fill with color, you get the pin. It's just that their outline lines are bigger and I doubt that there's any way to get around that.
It is understandable that the design was difficult to reproduce in a pin form. This should have been communicated before production. I would be sad too :(
How sad that your artwork was changed. Hope whoever it was has learned a lesson. You do such amazing work.
I cannot believe that somebody would even think of changing an artists work...... It's just not done!!
I'm so sorry.
Unfortunate is right. Sorry to see they did this to your design.
your design is wonderful, shame about the ill considered change by whichever numpty took the decision to do so...I feel your pain
This is SO not fair!!! I will never understand what goes on in the minds of people with the power to make these decisions. While I commend you for not wanting to make too much of an issue of it, I don't blame you one bit for being disappointed. Let's hope they learned a lesson from this unfortunate move.
By the way, do you think those tote bags are still for sale????
How SILLY!!! (them, not you) I don't know what else to is just...not right!
Nevermind Jill,
It is still a wonderful design
PS I belong to Friendship Guild
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