A couple of weeks ago, I had the extreme pleasure of taking a workshop conducted by Kathy K Wylie. Kathy is an award winning quilter, designer, teacher and the author of the book, Sewflakes, Papercut Applique Quilts.....now most of you know that I generally refer to my time spent in my sewing room as "playtime", Kathy's workshop led me to even more ways to "play" with design.
I really LOVE pieces that at first look, may appear to be simply pleasing designs, shapes, colours BUT upon closer inspection reveals more. Kathy's method is a wonderful take on the old paper snowflake we all did as kids, but Kathy takes it to a whole other level, not only does she show you how to create the initial design but guides you through the process of going from paper to fabric.
This piece that I teased you with last week is as a result of that workshop. Did you notice that is is made up entirely of insects?

#126 was Pumpkin.........the pumpkins are obvious, but look closely, do you see the vines, leaves, blossoms, seeds and even a whacky Jack O'Lantern face?

Want to learn how to do this yourself? grab a copy of Kathy's book. click on the image below to find out how to get yours.

OH... these are exquisite! And I just bought two copies of that book!!! One for me and another for a "snowflake" lovin' friend. (She even has snowflake tattoos!) Can't wait to give it a try. Thanks for sharing.
Exquisite is the perfect word to describe them.
OH OH OH, I an a snowflake fanatic!!! Gotta have this book!!!
What great fun! This DOES look like it takes you back to your childhood -- and it's right up my alley, with all its symmetry. Your "flakes" are simply wonderful, Jill.
Oh these are just PERFECT this is just the sort of thing I've been elusively trying to track down on the internet for a project - I've had to do my own (lesser) design but I'll be hunting out more information on this book now
Thanks for sharing
You just continue to astonish me!
Thanks for this wonderful blog post! I kind of feel like a proud mama watching you soar with this idea. All the best with your future endeavors - I shall be following along with great interest.
~ Kathy K. Wylie
I tried to post a comment yesterday, but my work computer makes it very hard to 'work' sometimes. Perhaps it was a message that I should actually work!
I really love the papercuts you are doing. You have inspired me to dig out my Scherenschnitte book.
Your scissor work is amazing. Very intricate and delicate pieces of art. Happy playing...
So creative - and beautiful!
I know you gave reference to the book to purchase, but would you share what kind of scissors and paper you use?
Also, I went to the Creative Prompts page, but I could not find anything to do with the snowflakes....can you give me a little more direction on what specifically you are participating in right now?
OK I'm blown away with the cut outs. Do you draw them first? Pretty amazing.
Very cool. Wouldn't it be a great challenge to do those in fabric? They would make for an interesting applique project! :D
VERY glad to have you back on the prompt project too.
I confess...I didn't get that these ARE done in fabric.
(slapping hand on forehead)
It still looks to be quite challenging though! lolol
Now when you transfer these to fabric
how will they be appliqued? Needle turn? Your designs are just amazing!
These certainly would change the look
of a Hawaiian quilt who's centers are made the same way wouldn't they?
I just love your great imagination with these designs!
Happy Sewing
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