This past October, while at the Creative Festival in Toronto, I picked up a little penny rug kit. I have wanted to try working with wool for a while but just had not gotten around to gathering the supplies. The kit contained everything I needed to get me going and I absolutely loved making this little piece. (it is about 11" across)

This, of course, has me now wanting to do something more substantial with wool, an idea has begun knocking about in my head so I am now collecting interesting threads, pearl cottons, silks and recently, at a thrift shop, I came across this full length (and at one time, very expensive) wool coat. It really had kind of outlived it's usefulness, as it did have a few holes and stains.....but it will be reborn.

After a HOT bath, a ride in the dryer and lots of "un-sewing" here it is, now a pile of wool pieces, waiting for me to get started.
That is a perfect way to get started with something new is with a kit...I have wanted to do a penny rug too and work with wool....I will be on the lookout for a kit! AND add it it my list of things I want to do this year!!
This is mostly what I use for wool....its addicting..infact, I have about two bags that I need to cut up and wash....I got the most beautiful tweed jacket the other day!
Great way to collect wool!
Are you interested in some antique silk embroidery threads of different weights? I have a small box of beautiful colors....I would love someone to use them.
I've been known to cut up some old wool jackets finds too. Have fun! It becomes addicting!!
I love the look of wool work, but don't like how it feels in my hands...I wish it were otherwise, because it looks amazing!
No way.....and that color wool would take any kind of dying if you wanted to change the color,what a find! I am in the same place as you gathering wool, although I have started a crazy wool quilt.
Keep us posted :0)!
Happy Sewing
Your Penny rug is beautiful. I love the feel and texture of wool and working with it is divine. I look forward to seeing what you make with your new found pieces. Wooly Hugs...
I too got inspired to work with wool years ago from Penny's a journey that even led to my last book. I never did make a Penny Rug....instead, I prefer beads to act as the design feature. Can't wait to see what you do with your treasures.
Ah, my thrift shopping will now take on a whole new dimension! I love working with wool, too -- it feels good under my fingers! :)
I got a wool coat, too a navy blue but have been hesitating cutting it up -- thinking it might become something else. But perhaps not. I will start cutting today!
PS, love the "tin" cards too. I have a newly wed couple in mind to send a card like that to...
I can't wait to see what treasure comes out of that old wool coat -- knowing you, it'll be a knockout piece. Love that creative mind of yours!
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