I began to participate in the "prompt words" nearly 3 years ago, you can see my first post about them here.
I have often been asked about these doodles, many liken them to Zentangles and quite often they are referred to as such, but when I began, I had never even heard of Zentangles. My understanding is that Zentangles have some shading effects, there are specific patterns used, and I believe I read that you have to be "certified"to teach the art. I am fairly certain the Zentangling was originally done on small square tiles (paper) but now you see it being done on everything from clothing, to automobiles,
What I do, really, is just doodling and because I have had many questions about these, I thought I'd show you the progression of one.
I begin every one just like this......I draw a shape....could be a moth, a pair of eyeglasses, or like today, a teapot. Once I draw that general shape, I include a few lines to break it up. Now, of course, I don't actually have a teapot that looks like this.......I am just doodling so I can make it as strange as I feel like......there are no rules to this!

Love it - and the explanation ...thanks...
Love the tea pot! Great job!
It is your sense of space and use of the negative areas too.....it all comes together so beautifully. I still believe some of us are born with "It" ( how ever you want to define artist ability) and some of just aren't. I try to be as artist as I can but somehow it pales to your gifts.
Happy Sewing
What a great post! I love the way you showed and described your process. Thanks!
I could never draw that tea pot so perfectly to begin with! You are one heck of a talent!!
Your doodling is magical. I love your teapot and how creative you are when you draw and fill in. It would be wonderful to have a "coloring book" made with your doodled drawings so we who don't draw could use our colored pencils and color these amazing art pieces. Just an idea...
Wouldn't you just love to own a teapot that looked like this? It would be so cool if someone would come along and take your doodles and make them into real objects -- shoes, glasses, teapots. I'd start a collection. LOVE your creativity, Jill.
I love your doodles they have inspired me to start doing this and I really enjoy it so much. I saw one of your posts about a year ago and have been doodling every since. Thanks!
Jilly, I *love* this one!! I love it enough that I may try the teapot one on my own!! Great job! :)
I always stop and browse teapots when I see them in a shop. If I ever saw one like yours it would DEFINITELY be coming home with me! Love it, love it, love it.
I love your doodling. Just beautiful. Do you draw doodles from a pic for people?
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