Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Last article for CQA

In May of 2011, I eagerly took on the role of "Artist in Residence" for the Canadian Quilters' Association. I has been a terrific experience, but, as the saying goes.....all good things must come to an end. I have decided to move on.

Rather than another pattern/project or design, I wanted to have my last article reflect what I thought my role truly was....to encourage and perhaps inspire others to experiment, play, create, learn and most importantly, enjoy the process.

The Spring issue containing my final article is out. In it, I talk about building one's own "technique" library. I began by drawing simple outline of a feather, gave examples of how one might modify it to meet the needs of the technique they plan to use and then showed examples of ways that one simple image could be used in many, many different ways

simple outline
modified for applique

modified for stencil and several other techniques

Here is a look of some of what I created using that one image (each technique used, is listed below the photo

 discharge paste & a stencil

hand applique

liberated style piecing

stencil & dye sticks

white batting on top of cotton, layered under tulle and stitched

raw edge fused applique

outline stitched with black thread, paint added to create the colour


sunprinted and trapunto

wool applique

dryer sheet cut and fused with stitching for detail

by doing this exercise, I now have a reference, I have notes about what I liked, disliked or might want to do differently next time. It gave me the opportunity to play with a variety of quilting ideas and the next time I have the impulse to try something new....I can just grab my feather image and get to work.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Top Down Knitting

Like just about every quilter, I enjoy a variety of needle arts, and like everyone, I am better at some things than others. I like to knit but don't consider myself really very strong in that area. While I can keep my stitches fairly consistent, I tend to knit a lot and rip out even more because I am rarely happy with the fit. When you begin a sweater at the bottom and work your way up....you get what you get.

Recently I came across "Top Down Knitting" with this method, you start at the neckline and work your way down. The best part about this is, that you can place your work onto a waste yarn and try it on as you go. So far I am really liking this.

Just as in my quilting, I do like to challenge myself. This pattern has cabling....these are my first cables .....I have discovered that they are much easier than they look!

Since taking that photo, I have gotten to an area where I will just be knitting until I get to a certain length, keeping the cable stitch pattern correct. So...instead of having the whole (7 page) pattern with me. I created a little "laminated" chart that I can mark each round with a whiteboard marker to keep my place. Once I have completed the full chart I can wipe it clean to start all over.

I simply printed the chart, glue stuck it down to an index card and then used packing tape to laminate it.

Edit:  The pattern I am using, is an Amanda Lilley Design, which I purchased it through Craftsy.... you can find it her patten here
Copyright Jill Buckley