This post is not about quilting.....but rather about,
not quilting. Lately I have not had any desire to make anything with textiles, it seems that I have perhaps become a bit bored. I am not currently working on any pieces, I have no plans to enter any challenges or competitions....I simply seemed to have lost interest.
So, I have decided to learn something new. I have always been able to draw (sort of) but never explored much beyond plain pencil or a black marker. I am intrigued by drawings where the medium is Pen & Ink with watercolour, I love the illustrative nature of it. I enrolled in
this excellent online class through
Craftsy, purchased a dip pen, nibs, black waterproof ink, proper paper, a pan of watercolour cakes and dove in.
I debated sharing my early work, but what the heck.....I am well aware that there are problems with each of them...
BUT..... at the same time, I do believe that there is something successful happening with each piece as well......I realize that I am still rather heavy handed with the watercolour washes and really, REALLY need to work on that....practice....practice....practice
I am working from my own photos and thoroughly enjoying the process, here is a look at what I have done so far.
ink only |
after the addition of watercolour |
ink drawing |
after the washes were added |
forgot to scan the ink only version of this before adding the washes |
inked |
the finished drawing/painting |
Share the photos too? I know I can draw best from photos or other people's works as well. Not as good as you, but it does help to have a picture captured to turn into a drawing.
I miss drawing. I need to get over myself and just do it!!! You inspire me.
you are doing wonderful!!! keep going! :-)
I mean seriously! You CAN do it all and with great expertise! Quite the ARTIST!
I am very impressed. Your drawings are lovely.
I think they are all lovely. A friend of mine is taking the same Craftsy course and enjoying it too.
these are great. I lose my sewing/quilting mojo quite often -- I find I work in fits and starts. I think the important thing is to exercise your creative muscles.
these are great. I lose my sewing/quilting mojo quite often -- I find I work in fits and starts. I think the important thing is to exercise your creative muscles.
Hi Jill,
How wonderful to be starting on a new adventure. I have to say I am in awe of your pen and ink work and I can't see anything that needs improving. I get the same reaction when people say how great my fmq is, yet I can see all the faults. Perhaps that is being part of an artist - after all, if it is perfect, where else is there to go? My mantra (as a fmq) is 'learn to love your wobbles!
"sort of been able to draw"?????? No CAN draw. Thank you for sharing......each and every one is wonderful. Keep it up....
Hi Jillian
Your images are beautiful coloured
or not Constance Howard loved
to use images for stitching, your
blog page is always informative
keep creating
Oh good grief!!!!! These are awesome! Thanks for sharing them and I can't wait to see more.
Very impressive! if there are flaws it's only in your eyes, because from what I see they are all wonderful!
As for your textile slump...I think we all can get slip into this and then suddenly something captures our attention and motivates us to create again. I was feeling this not too long ago and of all things it was tube quilts that got me going. hmmm, doesn't even have to be challenging I guess!
Fabulous, Jill. I am such a fan of your skill and artistry. It does not matter to me whether you are using textiles or pen, ink, or watercolors. As long as you follow your muse and you continue to create, we will hear and see your voice.
Your drawings are amazing. Maybe you were lead in this direction because it is perfect for you. Jill you truly take my breath away with all you create. I see calendars, greeting cards, licensing and much much more in your drawing future. Creative Pen, Ink, Watercolor Bliss...
Oh my....we always knew you had talent but these are AMAZING!!!!! Thanks for sharing....keep them coming!
Wow - not a whole lot wrong with any of them. They are a so beautiful!
They are wonderful. Do share more they are great to see and inspiration to all that sees. thanks for sharing. Cheryl M.
These are amazing. You are being way to hard on yourself! Would love to be this talented.
Very nice! Nothing wrong with stepping away from the fabric for awhile. You will return when it feels right. In the meantime ...... Well wow!
OMG. These are excellent. You should not want to sew more often!!!
Take care.
These go beyond stunning. I think they're absolutely successful because, as a viewer, I'm drawn into each of them. I want to get closer to the bee, I want to see the glint in the duck's eye...I would hang any/all of them in my home, as is. The words (sort of) should be taken out of your vocabulary. Thank you for sharing your new work.
Jill, you have SUCH talent. Whichever direction you go to .. you seem to have such beauty in it all. I love your new direction...
Good gracious girlfriend! You can do soooooooooooo many things! These are incredible! I think everyone gets a little bored sometimes and it's fun to go off and play with another toy for a while. ;)
Keep it up. I can't wait to see what comes next. A bunny perhaps. ;)
i'm totally stunned - funny I have't been making much lately - I've been learning to paint with acrylics and love it. Yours are magnificent - you are hugely talented!
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