I finally got around to doing my row for the start of the Row Robin group I am participating in. I decided to keep it fairly simple. I love the look of scrappy quilts and thought this

would be a great
Opportunity to begin one of my own. I will provide the off white ( see earlier post) to be used in the background along with my row so the team members should have lots of choice as to what they'd like to add. Simple blocks, applique.........whatever they most like to do.
I don't very often do traditional blocks and there may be a good reason for that...............me and numbers, we just don't get along. The group has been asked to keep our rows somewhere in the neighbourhood of 40 - 44 inches in length. I thought that seven of these 6" blocks would be perfect, 7 x 6" = 42" right? Well yes, except that I put them on point and totally forgot that the measurement c

hanges ( they were now actually 8" blocks) so my 7 block row ended up measuri

ng 57" needless to say I had to do a bit of un-sewing. This is the row that will be handed off at our guild meeting next week.
The Creative Prompt project continues with this week's word,
Opportunity and when it comes knocking you might want to be quick to unlock the door so I doodled this key.
Laughing at the number comment...welcome to my world! (I think that was why I fell in love with art quilts!!!)
Oh, I am truly lusting after the key you drew; absolutely gorgeous and would be lovely layered in collage, printed on a thin paper so that all the BG could show through.
Your drawings are excellent! I look forward to them.
I love IT
Wow, Very nice work. Just found your blog, I'll be back
I'm not a traditionalist either... I adore the key. Could be my (2nd) favorite yet (next to the scissors).
Maybe you liked the blocks so much you wanted to make a bigger quilt?!?!
So fantastic! I think I have to ask you to create a line of cards or notecards. I agree with Kathy. This one and the scissors are fantastic, but I would be hardpressed to choose a favorite. I can't get your firecrackers out of my mind.
Beautiful fabrics.
Love the quilt blocks but in awe with your doodles juat amazing art work.
Your row blocks are very elegant. Scrappy in an understated way. Very cool! It will be interesting to see what your group does to go along with them.
Your doodles are just so awesome!
So this is just a simple 9 patch put on point? It changes the entire look of it - I love it.
Yeh, numbers don't like me either...thanks for the warning!
I always chuckle at the amount of math involved in quilting. It keeps the cobwebs out of our brains!
yes I'm rubbish at numbers and planning - I prefer the look and guess method...but it doesn't work traditionally!!
LOVE that key! And, don't fret -- even people who DO get along with numbers make that same calculation when the blocks are set on point. I've learned to frog sew (rip-it, rip-it) very well.
Sometimes KISS works! I think that your first time out, sticking to simple blocks is the way to go. You might want to look at the book, Around the Block. It has measurements for several different sizes of a number of blocks.
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