#63 of the CPP line up is
Cafe.........perhaps there could be a Graphic Cafe with coffee pots that look like this.
I have a little story to tell....... so if you have the time grab a cup and come along......or come back later when you do have time to read this post.
I debated about telling this story but in the end decided it need to be shared because it is relevant to all artists at all levels and it could be happening to you!
So here goes..........
Last week, I was in a local quilt shop where I noticed a couple of samples on display for the purpose of a class. I immediately recognized the designs as belonging to an artist on the other side of the world. I questioned the shop owner (not a staff member) The owner, about the class , he told me that Ms.________ had brought these in and would be teaching this class. I asked him if he knew if she had obtained permission from the artist to use her designs/patterns.........his response to me was to shrug his shoulders and say "oh she got them off the internet somewhere"
Now you need to know that you could purchase (from the artist) an e-book for a ridiculously low price. It is filled with patterns, detailed step by step instructions for her technique, lots of photos and very specific material requirements..............tremendous value for the money. In the e-book she does clearly state that you are NOT to share this with friends, family or guild members etc...........because while you may save them a few dollars, it could potentially cost the artist many, many more in lost revenue.So, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I needed to contact the artist and inform her of the situation. I have given her the shop's contact info and hopefully she will be able to have a good resolution to this matter.
Why do some feel that it is quite okay to profit from some one else's hard work? I guess they figure that because they are separated by an ocean and thousands of miles, who is going to know the difference.
All art forms are copyright protected which means that there can be NO publication, duplication, or file copying/storing for any use, personal, charitable or commercial in any manner without the express written permission of the artist.
Just a couple of days later, I was contacted about my designs being used without my knowledge or permission. While it was a "not for profit" situation, I did have to request that she remove the post, delete any files she had stored containing my work and remind her about copyright protection. She was apologetic and I believe has complied with my request.
If you see this sort of thing, please let the artist know so that they can take appropriate action so that his/her work and ability to market themselves is not put in jeopardy. Remember it can just as easily be happening to you!!!!
The only way to truly protect ourselves from this sort of "theft" is to not put our work out there to begin with...............and that would be a sad, sad day.
In Cyber-space, it is indeed a Small World after all!