I am absolutely thrilled with the way the course is set up and the exercises she has laid out for us. This is a real "hands on" ........work at your own, pace learning experience and I am thoroughly enjoying it. The photo shows some of my "homework"
I am looking forward to gaining a better understanding of colour and perhaps one day to have an "Eye" for it.
If you want to know more about this class and what we are working on, you can read about it here
Can you guess what the CPP word is this week? It is Eye

I almost took that class!! I had to choose between the class or an airbrush...
I have been wanting to take that class forever -- maybe next time. JCP is a fabulous teacher -- I took a class with her last year and loved it.
So, spill, how did you do the eyes? Paint? Pencils? C'mon...
Have you seen the Johannes Itten Color Wheel? It is pretty sophisticated, but really wonderful as well. Check it out.
Thanks for the link to the JCP class. I would like to take a good class on color just to be revitalized in my own work. There is a good recent podcast from quilting for the Rest of us on color (#12, I think).
GREAT eyes! They are different from your normal doodles! Love them
Jill....were you serious when you said you said you weren't an artist? I have to tell you...you ARE! OMG....the eyes are amazing!
I have admired JCP's illustrations for years. She is amazing. Lucky you to take a class with her.
You'll love Judy's class. My friend and I took her very first online color class over a year ago. She did have it laid out so well and always answered your questions immediately - giving great explanations!
Ahhh, the eyes have it! They are so penetrating and beautiful. And it looks as though you've been a good student and completed your homework well -- can't wait to see more.
You are gonna love her classes. I have taken her DVD classes and learned so much!
I took a class with her last year and loved it.
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I hadn't heard that you don't consider yourself an artist. I often felt that way, only because I had not had "formal" training in art. My only art classes are the ones I took in high school. Thank goodness I had a great teacher!
Love the green eyes!
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