I know some of you have found me just recently, while others have been visiting right from the very start.
I think 3 years, needs to be celebrated, don't you?........perhaps a giveaway is in order?......the prize????.....well my doodles seem to be popular so how about if I offer to do one just for the winner?
To enter, leave me a comment telling me what you like best about visiting my little corner of the Net.
I'll choose the winner next weekend........if you win,
what would you have me draw????
darn, I think I'm first and the odds usually don't work out for the first comment. OH well
I absolutely love your doodles, that's one of my favorite things on your blog. I also like seeing pictures of your FMQ.
I have been reading your blog since you started it. I would love a doodle of my grandmother's treadle sewing machine. Gail
I don't recall when I joined as a follower but I just enjoy looking at what you're doing and I also like your drawings very much:)
congrats on three years. I'm always happy to read your posts and be inspired by your creativity. If you pick me, I'd like a doodle of a Singer Featherweight.
I love your doodles and I'd like a doodled bird!
Happy anniversary! You are so generous with sharing so much with us, I know it takes time to do. I have learned a lot and been inspired to try new and retry the old with a new "rat" twist ;-) I love my collie abbey so much - a collie doodle - or a rooster - cock a doodle do?
Honestly we are the ones that should be giving you a gift.
Your blog is very inspiring and I love your doodles
I always find your blog full of inspiration.
Love your doodles, especially the rat!
Wow, 3 years already! Congratulations! I find your blog very inspiring and I just love your doodles. Very "Zentangle". In fact, I just bought Inspired by Zentangle and what did I find there? Your Graffiti or Art quilt. That is one of my favourites of your work to date. I always show people that quilt photo and see if they can figure it out. Keep on inspiring others!
I'm so glad not to miss this post. Gosh, three years already? I'm trying to think how long ago it was that I fell in love with your work. You always amaze me with everything you make and I truly and honestly feel you are an artist! I've been here in CA this week caring for mom. Dads urn sits in her room. Dad loved hummingbirds and I there is one on the urn. The first thing that came to mind is a hummingbird. So...if I win I'd love one. Thanks for the chance Jill...congrats!
I enjoy reading of your fabric experiments, but like looking through your doodles the best. I'd love a snowflake doodle prize. Rita
I saw a couple of people would like a doodle of their sewing machines. I think that would be a great idea. I would love a doodle of a treadle sewing machine too.
Congrats on three years of blogging!
Happy Blog-versary to you, happy blog-versary to you, happy blog-versary dear Quilt Rat, happy blog-versary to YOU!!!! and many more I hope. I love the fact that you are so generous with your knowledge about the various projects you undertake. I love that you inspire me. I love that I got to meet you and that would not have happened if we had not connected through the blog. Thanks for being you and I hope you have the creative energy to continue for years to come. Now what would I have you draw???? Will have to think on that one.....
I have always been inspired by your doodles. Your tip on the yellow circles was absolutely the best thing I have seen on line in a while! I will take potluck on the doodle....but I'm in to all things Asian......
I'm pretty new to your blog, but I love your doodles and your adventures in lots of different mediums. I would love a bird doodle.
Congratulations!! I love coming to your blog and especially seeing the way you express yourself through your 'doodles'! You're an incredibly talented lady, that's for sure! :)
I love your blog!! Congratulations on three years of blogging!! I would love to win a doodle that you have created!! I would want something sewing, quilting related that I could display in my sewing room. But, then I love all your doodles and would be honored to have anything you created!!!
Congratulations on your 3 years! I have been following your blog for app. 1 year and I love your postings! I love that you are so generous with your knowledge! I really appreciate when you pass along tips & tricks: the little circle stickers for pebbling is such a good idea! Your doodles are amazing! If I am to be the lucky winner of one of your doodles, I would love a frog or a turtle! Looking forward to following your blog for many many many years!
I guess I've been around for a couple of those three years. Your amazing artwork is what brought me here and everything else keeps me coming back.
How about a Flamingo!
Congrats on your blog-versary! Always love a vist to your blog. Its like opening up a trsure trove when viewing. Sooo inspirational and I have long loved the doodles you draw. The chance to have you draw one especially for the winner is a chance not to be missed!
Congrats on three years! I enjoy your blog for your discovery and use of new ideas and techniques. It always inspires me to venture out of my comfort zone.
I don't know how long I have been coming here... but I love to see what you are up to and your studies... paper, paint, ink and techniques! I don't know what I would have doodled.... but I could think of something!!! THANKS
Love your doodles & the quilting knowledge you impart to all of us - many thanks for the enjoyment I have had over the last year or so.
There is absolutely no way to tell you one thing that I like best about your blog. I love the doodles but I also love the tutorials. I also like the fact that you are fairly local to me and I can look forward to hearing about shows where your work is being shown
Congratulations on your third anniversary. I so enjoy your blog journey and all the tips and tutorials you have shared. But the doodles....so amazing. And I so very much enjoy my cardinal you did for me.
Hmmm, I don't know how long I've been following along. I guess what I like best about my visits is how you try just about everything and find a way to make something interesting/beautiful out of all your experiments - inspiring! And have you tried an elephant doodle yet?
Happy Anniversary! I love your doodles too, but I found you because of your quilting. I love the inspiration I get from following your projects. Keep up the good work!
I like your doodles and sometimes try out new techniques I read in your blog (like the icecube fabric painting).
Whoops, sorry.
Congratulations on your 3 year blogaversary! I love seeing your doodles!
If I won, I would REALLY love a peach doodle. It would have a place of honor on my blog!
First off thanks for doing the give away. I love that you have diversity in your blogs posts. Some quilting, drawing, life in general, etc. It makes it more interesting for me to read your posts to never know for sure what topic you will cover.
If I am selected a winner I would love a bird drawing. Had to think a while about that as there are lots of other subjects I could have chosen too.
What do I like best about visiting your blog??? How you amaze us with each post or 'teach' us with each post!! Either way..it's a win/win for us!!
I love the fact that you are always trying out new things and inspiring me to do the same. You were a huge inspiration to get me started on zen doodles which I still do almost weekly. Your quilting is amazing and I really enjoy learning from your techniques you post. Keep doing what you are doing - great job. Congrats on 3 good years of blogging.
Hi Jill, I love it when I see that you have a new post on your blog, I've been popping over and reading for a lot longer than I've been a follower. However I was really thrilled when you became a follower of my blog....you following me...wow.
You are such an inspiration, the variety of crafts and the skills that you share with us is very generous....thank you.
Best Wishes
Kay in Scotland
What a great 3 years! and I know there will be heaps more inspiration to come. I just treasure your "view" of things and how you make lines tell the story, whether its on paper or in stitch. Any doodle will do...!
I think I'd love a doodle of your high heeled shoes -- that drawing always makes me smile. However, you could send me a doodle of just about anything, and I'd be one happy little camper.
When I feeling I need a creative boost, yours is one of the first blogs I turn to and I never fail to get inspired - I absolutely love your doodles.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Lorelei
I love to see your drawings. I especially enjoy seeing them incorporated onto fabric.
Hmm, as for your next drawing, how about a dolphin jumping out of the ocean. My son has challenged me to draw that myself and I am having a mental block. :)
I enjoy seeing what new designs you have come up with and how you put them to use. Love this idea with the circles, will try that.
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