Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Imaginary home

I love to watch the birds, they seem especially busy this time of year....either they are setting up new homes or already raising their hatch-lings.

This guy just got the keys to his new digs


Robbie said...

wow..what a home!!!!!

Diane J. Evans said...

Love this, Jill -- wish I had one in my back yard -- bird and all.


Glenda said...

Sort of Bavarian. Kind of Faberge. This is a birdhouse divine. Hey Jill, draw a Cuckoo Clock for us next.

Createology said...

Now this is a very special home and tweet bird. I would like something so divine. <3

Royce said...

Very nice art - you ever think of doing adult coloring books? Your art is perfect for it.

Copyright Jill Buckley