It is again time to see the wee quilts at McDougall Cottage. This year's theme is "Plaid-Vertising"
As always, the quilts must be no larger than 24"x24" and must contain some plaid. More about this challenge and to view my entries for 2007 and 2008 can be found here.
The past 2 years I have done what would be referred to as pictorial pieces but this year I decided to do something a little different. While admittedly neither is all that pretty to look at, I hope the viewer will find them interesting. This first one, titled Tartan Delight is my version of a tartan I

The second is titled Plaids behind the Ads and is actually a classified page from the Herald. A few ads were removed so that the plaid fabric was allowed to show throw. Some of these ads make for entertaining reading, one asks you to take a dog to lunch, while another is an advertisement for tank driving lessons. This piece stemmed from me wanting to know if you could

The show runs until Labour Day so if you are in the Cambridge area stop by the beautiful stone cottage and take a peak.