Saturday, April 18, 2009

Online Quilt Festival

Have you heard? Amy at Park City Girl is hosting an online quilt festival. What a fabulous idea!
I am a little late joining in as the "festival" began yesterday and will run all week. All of the details are here along with links to see the show. I haven't done a lot of quilts just yet and I am not sure I have a favourite but I have decided to show Earthbound for the following reasons. It was an experiment to see if the curved piecing technique I had recently learned could be applied to a fair sized piece using a complex design and I wanted it to be the one technique mixed media of any sort. I don't know why I just wanted to see if it could be done. This was my own original design that began as a doodle. Many who look at it may not realize that each and every piece is separate. Every piece covers the next on one edge or another. There are no raw edges. It was the first quilt that I had really done any stitching beyond stippling or meandering. I was quite pleased with the result. Click on the picture to see a larger image and more detail.
If you'd like to read more about this piece and it's process check out this earlier post. I'll need to set aside some extra time this week for this wonderful festival because at this point there are well over 200 participating, Come join in or just relax with your favourite beverage and enjoy the show.


Kangaroo said...

I am absolutely blown away by this piece of gorgeous art. Unbelievable. Thank you for sharing it!

Donna/Sara from Kindred Crafters said...

This is phenomenal!

Zonnah said...

Oh my...this is amazing!

Kerri said...

oh, this is such a beautiful work of art!!

Anonymous said...

WOW, this is stunning. I'm envious of your beautiful work and looking forward to seeing more. Thanks for sharing...Kathy

Bethany said...

This is simply stunning. I love the colors and how it all intertwines together in such beauty. Thank you for sharing.

Michelle said...

That is absolutely incredible!

Mary-Kay said...

That's a really neat looking quilt. Have you shown it anywhere? I think I've seen it before, maybe on your blog??? It's still very nice.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely incredible, - both the piecing and the quilting. Thank you for showing this.

Cindy's Stitching said...

What an amazing piece. What detail

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

What an artist you are! This is just awesome!

Jocelyn said...

Absolutely amazing!

Donna said...

I love the variety of quilting you did in this piece... it really enhances the lovely flowing curves you created :-)

Minka said...

Amazing! I love all the movement in this quilt, and I really love the way the roots expand into the "frame." I'm going to go read more about this quilt.
PS.Are you saying that previously, you would have fused this kind of design?

Terrie Sandelin said...

Beautiful design and impeccable workmanship -- thanks for sharing!!

Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said...

Fantastic quilt! I am so envious of your free-motion quilting - it is currently my biggest hurdle. I can machine quilt in straight lines, but free-motion is terrifying me! Great work - love it!

Aunt Spicy said...

Are you serious? I am speechless! That is exactly what another post said...a work of art! Wow!

Mary L. said...

Amazing! You are an incredible artist and master of piecing and free motion quilting! I humbled.

Lee D said...

Absolutely stunning! You are an artist! I can't even imagine doing something like this.

Kari V. said...

The luminescence of the colors is wonderful. Stunning!

Diane J. Evans said...

Beautiful! You have a masterful use of colors! And you've gained another fan -- me!


Angela said...

I love how the quilting in the is an extension of the quilting in the middle! What an amazing work of art!

Michele/TextileTraveler said...

That is a truly amazing quilt. I hope that someday I have the patience, stamina, and talent to create something that beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Very impressive. I have never seen anything like it. Amazing!

Linda said...

Amazing! Truly a work of art!

Stephanie D said...

Oh. My. Gosh.

And you're still trying to convince yourself you're an artist?

Here. Let me.


Mushyhed said...

What an amazing quilt!!! Oh my goodness, you are so talented!

Robin said...

Holy cow. This is stunning! The piecing, the quilting (oh, wow-- the quilting!). Inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing it! :)

Unknown said...

Awesome quilt... glad you could join in the online festival fun!

Mary said...

Amazing! Thanks for entering the show, this is fun!!

Pat said...

WOW...this is some beautiful piece of work. I think you CAN call yourself an artist already!

Helen said...

Oh gosh, your quilt takes my breath away!! What an awesome work of art.

Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment on my entry.


two hippos said...

That is one amazing quilt! The curved piecing looks great -- I'm still working on that skill.

Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

All I can say is WOW!Thanks for sharing.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

This piece is just staggeringly beautiful! I am amazed at the complexity of it---what a wonderful job executing the work!!!!

Shawn said...

Wow, what a beautiful Quilt and blog, love your sewing machine collection too!!!! Thanks for sharing.

Clare said...


Sequana said...

I see a lot of blue ribbons on this one.......*S*

Such beautiful work deserves awards.

John said...

oh, wow ... this is at a WHOLE 'nother level. thanks for sharing -- it's gorgeous!

ilovebabyquilts said...

OMG YOU made this! I can't believe that, i'm blown away! That pebble quilting! I just can't believe it! Ok, enough exclamation points. If i'd made that, that would be it for me for the rest of my life, i'd have spent every last ounce of quiltingness.

Teodo said...

It's so stunning your quilt!
The colours are fantastic.
ciao ciao

Dorothy said...

That quilt is incredible. The colors and design are stunning. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Nadia said...

thank you!! I love yours! è stupendo!!!!!
ciao ciao

rebecs said...

wow! what an amazing quilt!

Danielle said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
Incredible work of art, you are amazing. Thanks for your comment on my blog... but "I am not worthy!"

Angela Nash said...

WOW! And perfect for Earth Day and Arbor Day this week. Thank you for sharing it.

Ariane said...

Wow!! Beautiful!!!! I love it. It looks amazing. It should be in an art galary. Wow!

Kim said...

Stunning! I love your design and's a beautiful piece.

Leanne and Rik Brezina said...

i didn't realize such expression and detail was possible in a quilt. inspiring! please tell us more about your technique

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Stunningly gorgeous. Amazing!!!!!

scraphappy said...

Wow, your quilt is beyond my imagination.

Debbie said...

A very successful art quilt. Your explanation of the process show so much work!

Hooked on Quilting said...

Simply amazing! Checked your blog and enjoyed it very much.

Sharon said...

Wow, this is just stunning! What a work of art! I love the curved piecing, and the quilting is awesome! You should be very proud - this is wonderful!

Sharon said...

Oh, I forgot to say - I love your little rattie picture! What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Amazing quilt, beautiful work!

Quilty Conscience said...

Holy Moly. That is Stunningly gorgeous and should be on exhibit. Just wow. The way the quilting extends into the frame..ahh. and the design itself is just so breathtaking. Do you know how marvelous this is?

You are so very talented! Have I gushed enough yet?

Kriza said...

It is just stunning, it took my breath away... you are very very talented.

Debbie said...

Fabulous Artwork! Have you entered this in any contests? It is a definite winner!

Regina Z said...

That is amazing!!!!!

Unknown said...

Stunning! I love your quilt and all the details, truly amazing! Thank you for sharing

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ditto (on all comments)

Nat Palaskas said...

Very creative and beautiful quilt. Thanks for sharing - Notjustnat

Judy Alexander said...

This is really amazing. I can't imagine how you accomplished this. Great design and beautiful colors.

Millie said...

this is nothing short of incredible! Wow, wow, wow!!

Bunny said...

When I clicked on your blog and saw this totally amazing work of art. You have unbelievable talent. Way to go girl.

Michelle said...

I like the movement, the curves, the color,and the texture with quilting, fabulous piece of art!

Janet said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful quilt! It is so nice to see so many different forms that our common craft can take!

Vivian said...

I have to repeat words already written as comments -- stunning, amazing, incredible. beautiful. This is absolutely a work of art!

The Calico Cat said...

Wow that is an awesome piece!

Lisa said...

That's amazing. And not just the piecing, the colour and stunning too.

dee said...

Wow. What an amazing piece this is. You are rightfully proud. Such vibrant colors.

Jean said...

Goodness, I don't know what to say. This is just stunning. I saw on your profile you said you would one day like to be called an artist --- I would say you are there!

Mama Spark said...

This is an amazing quilt! Makes me feel like a hack! BEAUTIFUL!

imquilternity said...

OMG...your quilt is truly STUNNING!

Carrie P. said...

Wow what a fantastic quilt. And the machine quilting is awesome too. Love the colors.

Pink Sky said...

Wow! That is a real work of art! ♥

Molly Mandeville Fryer said...

This is what I love about these ideas like the festival not to mention seeing the wonderful quilts, but you get to meet such wonderfully talented people and see all their other great ideas and projects. The Toy Sewing Machines are fantastic. Do you own all of them? Or do you collect photos? Just wondered. I can't imagine trying to find a way to display them. Jill, I will be back! Maybe even do a post and link back to you. I love your blog.

Nadine said...

This is just stunning! STUNNING! Truly an incredible work of art. You should definitely explore this style and technique more. I'm looking forward to reading more about you and your work on your blog.

nanann said...

Just wow - that is Fantastic!

Thanks for sharing, and really thanks for commenting on my site so I could find you and see such a great quilt!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing! how much work it must have been to complete this quilt!! Love all the colour tones and how light and dark work in your quilt.

Candace said...

OH. My. Gosh! This is stunning - it looks like you've been quilting for a very long time!

faith said...

thank you for your comment. it's been amazing to see so many amazing quilts - yours so much included! this really is amazing. all the detail is incredible.

L. jane E. said...

Breathtaking! Someday I'll be able to do something like that!

Giane said...

What an awesome quilt! Great use of color!

Polly said...

OMG!!! Your quilt is beyond stunning!! You are such an amazing artist!! Polly :-)

Allie said...

Amazing. I am speechless! There aren't enough superlatives for this quilt!

(Megan) said...

This is fantastic! Beautiful! Stunning! I am in awe.

You ARE an artist.

Emma said...

Absolutely stunning!

Lonci said...

Thank you for visiting:)

Unknown said...

My mouth is open......this is GORGEOUS! I am inpired by you.

Unknown said...

Hope you don't mind... I added you to my blogroll!

Mandy said...

Wow! What an amazing quilt.

Anya said...

Truly a work of art!

J said...

Fantastic. This quilt blows me away.

meggie said...

That is really breathtaking. Fantastic!!

Karen said...

Wow! You are very creative! This quilt is a true work of art!

Zlaty said...

I love your quilt and your whole blog! I guess we both have a fashion background!

Happy sewing!

Aimee said...

Holy moly - that is AMAZING!

Quiltbirdie said...

I hope you are entering this quilt in LOTS of shows - it's a winner in every way!

Thanks for looking at my quilt, as well.

Clare Wassermann said...

Hi Quilt Rat - how nice to meet up. I love your blog and all your experimenting. Can you "fill me in" ha ha what McTavish stitch really is? Your quilt on this post is astonishing xx

Tissy said...

I do visit your site a lot. I just love your creations. They are very inspiring!!!!

Quilt Rat said...

WOW! I am so completely astounded by these comments. I want to express my thanks to everyone who came to visit and to Amy for organizing this incredible festival. I have totally enjoyed seeing all the amazing quilts ........each and every one is a work of art!

Cathi said...

This is utterly incredible! What an amazing piece of art!!!

*karendianne. said...

An original design that began as a doodle? Simply stunning. What talent you have. Undeniably this is the most amazing contribution I've seen so far. That's just the flat out truth.

Copyright Jill Buckley