When I was asked if I would consider taking on the job of CQA's Artist in Residence, I immediately said yes..........what a fabulous opportunity and learning experience this will be. I am thrilled to be a small part of the Editorial team.
A couple of weeks ago I had mentioned that CQA members would be hearing more from me very soon.........well the latest issue of the Canadian Quilter is out and contains my first article.
here is a sneak peek......( sorry, that is all I can show)........ members will see the pattern, instructions and tips found on the next pages.

Want to know more about The Canadian Quilter's association? click here
This only confirms what I already knew...you are the real deal ARTIST! How wonderful and congrats to you! If only I had a bit of your talent!!
This is so cool -- not only to be talented, but to gain recognition. Congratulations!
Oh this is an amazing pattern - I look forward to seeing more detailed photos of it when you can show it - any chance the pattern will be available for purchase at a later date?
What a lovely quilt! I might have to go take a subscription to Canadian quilter? :)
Congrats! how lucky Canada quilters can read and see your work!! I know I look forward to your posts and seeing your wonderful work and workmanship!!
Congratulations Jill - Looks a wonderful article - Nice also to see what you look like :) How fantastic for you...you deserve lots of recognithion for your wonderful work . Look forward to seeing more of the article when you can show it.
Congratulations to you. You really do deserve it your are a great ARTIST. Going to have to look into getting this magazine.
Congratulations Jill! This is awesome news.
You will add a lot to the magazine and I am sure that quilters will learn/get ideas/think from what you have published!
And we can all say, "We knew her *when*...." ;-)
Big congrats!
Congrats Jill. How wonderful to put a face to the name after all this time. Your background quilting is gorgeous on that piece.
Oh, my goodness -- I can't wait to see what you'll create! What a well-deserved recognition, Jill -- is there any way we States-people can get a copy of this issue?
Very exciting news....congratulations! I'll be watching for your projects!
Love the quilt! I'll have to look into the publication. So happy you are part of their team - everyone should be inspired by your art - I always am
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